Together with Our Employees
Based on the concept that “people are assets, not materials”, we value each and every employee as a human resource, and conduct various activities with the desire to support as many ambitious human resources for the future as possible.
Human Resources Development
Human Resources Development
Human Resources Development
Children’s Open Days

Since 2009, we have staged annual “Children’s Open Days” to give employees’ children the opportunity to observe their parents at work. Children observe their parents at work while gaining firsthand experience of workplaces. Our hope is that the children sense their parents’ efforts and the importance of working through observing their parents in the workplace; at the same time, we hope to motivate employees through having them show their workplace efforts to their children. It is also intended for company officers to renew awareness of their responsibility through seeing the employees’ families.

First June 7, 2008
Second July 24, 2009
Third June 12, 2010
Fourth August 1, 2012
Fifth August 3, 2013
Sixth August 2, 2014
Seventh August 1, 2015
Eighth August 6, 2016
Ninth August 5, 2017
Tenth August 4, 2018
Eleventh August 8, 2019
“Free Market of/by/for Wisdom” (Tokyo Venue)

Since April 2014, we have staged a learning program called the “Free Market of/by/for Wisdom” comprising a series of common lectures, which aim to build a “base of education” for Japanese people, in a joint effort with the Social Innovation Technology Association. We invite experts who work on the frontline in battery materials makers, battery makers, research institutions and so on to act as lecturers. Anybody can participate and take part in the “Market” based on the basic principles of “mutual learning and mutual teaching”, “the field as the cardinal point” and “cooperation between company and academia” as well as the operating policy that is based on volunteer activities.

“Free Market of/by/for Wisdom” (Iwaki Venue)

As a course related to the “Free Market of/by/for Wisdom”, Professor Masaru Masuda of Ochanomizu University was invited to the Iwaki Head Office to give a lecture from the standpoint of “International competitiveness imparted by formulation of standards”. Speaking from his experience of visiting more than 80 countries after entering the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Professor Masuda spoke of expert knowledge as the learning that is acquired by working members of society.

Workplace Development
Workplace Development
Head Office New Building – Ideas on the Office Floors

Based on our motto of “Serving the world through expertise in energy”, our new company building gives shape to the ideals of TOYO SYSTEM as it strives to make products that will be loved throughout the world.
The new company building has five floors, the top two of which are used as office floors.
Out of our desire to promote communication between employees and create pleasant spaces, the south side of the office floors is entirely lined with glass so that workers can conduct meetings while viewing the surrounding scenery. Also, relaxation spaces are provided with colorful sofas.
Moreover, the copy areas have been designed with common communication spaces with a view to promoting information exchange between departments, increasing everyday conversation and encouraging greater teamwork.

Workplace Development
Ideas in Work Clothes

The TOYO SYSTEM work clothes carry two originally designed badges made in Japan.
We are eager to stress the “Made in Japan” aspect because rapid appreciation of the yen has meant that the plants of manufacturing companies are increasingly being relocated from Japan to overseas, leading to decline of the domestic manufacturing sector and presenting difficulties to former employees as they try to find re-employment.
As a similar manufacturing enterprise, TOYO SYSTEM insists on manufacture in Japan because of our desire to “protect the employment of Japanese people”.
In designing the badges, we chose designs that make it possible to instantly recognize the name and post (professional rank) of each employee in one of the badges and each person’s acquired qualifications and length of service in the other.
We have made the work clothes to be as comfortable as possible for daily use and, through displaying posts (professional ranks) and acquired qualifications on badges, the clothes are intended to motivate employees to hold high aspirations in their work and have a fulfilling time on the job.

LFA Test Drive experience
Media Activities
Iwaki Battery Valley Promotion Organization